
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Typosphere Weigh-In Time: May I Use the Collective Terminology In My Book?

Salutations Typospherians!

I had a burst of inspiration today and have laid foundation for another short-story in the same line of thought as my recent post As Seen From A Remington RandI have decided to publish a collection of these stories in e-book form, and I will be working on them quite a bit in the following weeks, possibly months, depending upon how the editing goes, how many more typers make their way to me between now and then, et cetera. I feel that inclusion of the Typosphere and all of it's terminologies, such as 'type-in', 'tlogger' 'typewriter insurgency' 'Typosphere' and the like is vital to the story...because it is so intrinsically tied to every typer I have. I'd even like to add a link index to blogs and sites that have played a significant role in the renaissance of the typewriter and the evolution of my own knowledge base.

So my question for all of you is this: May I use these terms, create a cited sources/resources index and/or a link index in my book? I won't use names at all if you prefer I don't, or I can use pseudonyms. But I would like as many denizens of the Typosphere to weigh in on this before I embark upon the project of compiling the information. Your input is greatly appreciated!

Use your words as ammunition in the weapons of the Typewriter Insurgency!



  1. Go for it! The platen is mightier than the sword.

  2. I don't see why not. Does anyone own words? I guess sometimes if it is brand name. I bet whoever coined those terms would just love to see them used.

  3. Thank you, Ted and Richard!

    That was my thought as well, Mark, but I wanted to make sure before I really got going on I wouldn't need to make retractions later, or possibly face a lawsuit or something of that sort.

  4. Go for it.

    Just remember, I'm usually referred to - in polite company as: 'He who shall not be named'.

  5. I'll add my voice to the resounding chorus of "yes." I think we all intended for these terms to take flight and be adopted by as many people as possible. It's a collective victory for all of us if someone reading your book starts to use them too!

    1. Thank you! That's what I figured, but I wanted to be certain.

  6. This sounds like it is going to be a great read. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? Sounds like a good venue and motivation for such a project. At any rate, I would be delighted to read some typewriter related stories. I fit a bit into the last chapter of my last novel, and plan to use some more soon. It is great to squeeze something you love into a story.

    Best of luck to you!

    1. Thank you very much, Ken! The encouragement is greatly appreciated! I am indeed being charged by a particular mini-rhino; I'm really excited and I think, as long as I'm diligent, it shouldn't be too difficult, as I have a feeling I get pretty close to 50,000 words in a month with the blog, anyway...certainly between that and other sites I contribute to.

      Where can this novel be acquired? I would love to read it!

  7. It's exciting to see this typewriter story project develop before our very eyes!

    What a great concept. You're going to have a lot of fun with this one.

    You certainly get MY "clack of approval" on using any and all Typospherian Terms.

    1. Hee, thank you! All those in favor, ring your bells!

      Even with the structuring and foundation-laying, I'm really beginning to enjoy it. It may mean I'm a little less prolific of a blogger, however. I don't think you guys will miss me too much.

      I'm very excited to get everything rolling!

  8. Bill Gates has claimed ownership of ones and zeros (It must be true; I read it in The Onion) and Walt Disney has claimed ownership of most of Grimm's and Anderson's fairy tales, so I suppose I could claim ownership of any portmanteau beginning with "type-" or "typo-" and allow you to send me several dollars for each infringing use of same if it would make you feel better. I suspect it would be more satisfying to tell me to piss off, however, so you may also do that and I will still read your stories.

    1. And that right there is why we adore you around here, Winston. *Laughs*
