
Monday, October 1, 2012

Typewriters Eat My Soul (and Money): Of Flooded Apartments and A Strange Foot Fetish

Yeah, it's not as intriguing as it first sounds. But enjoy the typecast anyway and the accompanying photos!

And for a one-time offer you get to see my workstation in all it's messy glory! Which was really dumb of me because I had to move most of it to use my scanner anyway. Well, hindsight and all that. I'm still not finished moving things around either; I eventually want the Remington 7 to go behind the scanner so I can just pull it out and use it. My machine accumulation will be slowing down considerably or screeching to a halt, so I'll be able to get everything exactly where I want it.

I'm going to go and tweak my Etsy listings tonight, maybe upload more (and more descriptive) photos. Tomorrow I think I'll get some extreme closeups of the Remington Noiseless Seven's feet, possibly even in the grass, if that hasn't been flooded too. We shall see.




  1. Ah, watch those feet!
    Nice QDL. You have a nice collection. Strange how typewriters seem to multiply for no apparent reason. I think we all have typewriters that secretly reproduce much faster than the empty hangers in our closets and even rabbits. Mine went from only one for many years. Then 2 and within a year about 50. I lost count since I have 2 stacks in the garage awaiting cleaning before I add them to whatever storage I can find in the house.
    Too bad for the flooding. Good that you were missed. We had heavy fast rain last night and flood warnings soon after.

    1. Thanks Bill! It seems the 'breed' of typer that multiplies the fastest around here are the Royals. As soon as I say 'no more', at least one more Royal magically appears, if not two! Though they are soon to be overtaken by the mythical creatures that are the Olivers...

      I'm well on the way to your situation if my husband and I both don't learn to say no once in a while...but we don't have a garage!

      I wish the flooding here was caused by rains, but it rains so infrequently and so little and the whole place is shaped so oddly and is so far away from a water source that I just don't see it happening. What happened was they had a pipe burst and the whole complex is on an integrated water system. So where the pipe burst and the adjacent apartment (both on a downward slope) flooded. The first one had been flooding for something like eight hours, and while the neighbor heard it, they didn't alert the Super until their apartment too was flooded. Water was rushing out into the street and the main to the apartments had to be shut off till morning. Good thing we always keep a supply of bottled water! Good you guys didn't get flooded; flooding from rainstorms is scary.

  2. As Marty Rice always says, you can also tell Olivers are portable because they've got handles.

    Some of those Rem Noiselesses had taller feet -- high heels!

    1. This is true! I always want to grab the Oliver's handles with potholders for some reason.

      I'm not sure if the feet on my RN7 are considered tall or short; they remind me of little pillars. I know I have a photo somewhere! They're in really nice shale and so, so cute!

  3. I experienced a flurry of typewriter collecting last year at this time, but it has (thankfully) slacked off in recent months. It is currently 22.

    This is the first time I've seen an exact duplicate of my Remington All-Personal Riter in someone else's collection, yours next to the Remington Standard. Right down to the worn spot in front of the space bar!

    It's one of my favorite typewriters. Noisy but solid, and nice typeface.

  4. I experienced a flurry of typewriter acquisitions at this time last year, when my collection nearly doubled. It has been fairly constant in the low-20s since then, with only a couple of additions since May.

    This is the first time I've seen an exact duplicate of my Remington All-Personal Riter, right down to the worn spot on the frame in front of the space bar. (The one next to your Remington Standard.)

    They are great typewriters; it's one of my favorites. Noisy, but solid and dependable, and I like the typeface.

    1. They really are noisy aren't they!? This fellow has a case, but it's airing out. The ribbon is too dry for me to see the typeface clearly, but I'll take you at your word! I need to replace the knobs on the carriage though; the plastic is pretty much gone. It's cool it has a twin living in such close relative proximity; we found it on the bay for about $26.

      You know, I didn't even have a typewriter until June or July. For a while we were getting about one a week, but for the last few weeks they've come in waves, with sometimes two or three arriving in a day. It's hard to keep organized! Right now, the count sits at 20, but that is bound to change, perhaps even this very afternoon. I need shelves!

  5. The Quiet De Luxe has a great font, doesn't it? I've been using my circa '46 model for the past week. I love the numerals. Especially the '4'. Oh dear, another typewriter related fetish?

    1. It does! I love the 3, 4 and 5 on this critter. They're just so elegant! Haha yes, another typewriter-related fetish. Those little square feet are about irresistible, and I've found that sometimes the foot shape is an incentive to buy! Of course, it's never been a deal breaker if the machine doesn't have them, but I think it adds to their design (though the older ones would look odd with square feet).

  6. Hey, you and Cameron have the same Remington! I really love the looks of that portable, and hope to find one for myself one day. Remington did make some gorgeous little typers...and so many different ones!

    1. They really did! I really like Remingtons, and love that I could have ten of them and non of them would look remotely alike! We found this one for a really, really good price, too!
