Again I've been dreadful about updating my blog. My sincerest apologies. This time, I have good reason, however; I've been very busy with some really exciting projects, most of them having to do with writing. I still need to post photos from the type-in and Wild West Fest, I know, but I was in a mood to share this morning and this is what I have, although I will say this: not a single chopped typewriter key was seen at WWF, which leads me to believe it isn't really the Steampunks mutilating the machines. I saw some phenomenal artwork while I was there, but none of it bore a single typewriter part. I was overjoyed.
Without further ado, here's something I typed up this morning and some photos that have absolutely nothing to do with typewriters. Enjoy!
Do NOT use two-wheeled vehicles as weapons!
-Anna Strad.